General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Xorg 7.7-3d glitch

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cute curtis:
Hello I have 2009 Sony VAIO netbook VPC115WXG PCG-4T4P running at 1.66 GHz Intel Atom N280 with Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 and 1G RAM.

I installed Xorg.7.7-3d. It seems working because I deleted Xvesa. But I got this brief screen glitch everytime on start-up before going to GUI. How can I eliminate this? Is there a command to verify you are using Xorg like the loginctl but TC does not recognize this command?

    [EDIT]: Removed img tags from link.  Rich

Hi cute curtis

--- Quote from: cute curtis on October 16, 2019, 03:59:38 PM --- ...  Is there a command to verify you are using Xorg ...
--- End quote ---
Sure. There's:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/x$ ps aux | grep -i xorg
root      7781  0.0  0.4  62076 14512 tty2     Ssl+ 09:34   0:07 /usr/local/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp
tc        9968  0.0  0.0   1708   324 pts/2    S+   16:39   0:00 grep -i xorg
--- End code ---
The first line shows Xorg is running and the command that was used to start it. The second line was the command you issued to search
for  Xorg.  If you only see the second line,  Xorg is not running.

Here's another:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~/x$ pgrep Xorg
--- End code ---
If the command returns a number,  Xorg  is running.

That looks like some uncleared VRAM being shown. There is no way to remove that, I'm afraid. VRAM clearing is internal to the driver.

cute curtis:
Thank you guys for enlightenment and Rich tho we don't know each other I appreciate your compliment ;-)

btw what is the equivalent of loginctl in TC? also why my image link was removed I want for others to see my screen?

Hi cute curtis

--- Quote from: cute curtis on October 18, 2019, 08:20:17 AM --- ... also why my image link was removed I want for others to see my screen?
--- End quote ---
Your link was not removed. Neither of my browsers interpreted that link as an image so it wasn't visible on my machines. I removed
the  img  tags to make the link visible.


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