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Some help with IBM thinkpad T30

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--- Quote ---Click on the  Exit  icon and select  Exit to Prompt.  Then execute the following command:
--- End quote ---

it works in Prompt only, no in the terminal or editor..

--- Quote ---Is it present in your  /mnt/sda1/tce/optional  directory? If it is, add it manually to  onboot.lst.  Otherwise tell  Apps  to install it again.

--- End quote ---

added, ca-certificates.conf was created.

--- Quote ---Linux expects your BIOS clock to be in UTC time. If it's in Windows-style local time, you need to add "noutc" into your boot params.
--- End quote ---

changed, but the problem persist...

it appears to have a relation with:

--- Quote ---kmap: set keyboard layout (currently only "us")
if KEYMAP is set and an appropriate '.kmap'-file exists under '/usr/share/kmap/' then load that keymap and write the value of KEYMAP into '/etc/sysconfig/keymap'.
--- End quote ---

from: http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:system_start_and_boot-codes?s[]=lang

Hi, reto0110!

You can put in order your times using:
--- Code: ---date
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---hwclock
--- End code ---
look at its switches, writes only using sudo.
--- Code: ---sudo getTime.sh
--- End code ---
will set up your timer from ntp server according to your tz. The same is done by SystemTools>SetTime in GUI.


--- Quote ---date
--- End quote ---

THANKS. The time problem was fixed!
I can browse with https safely.

Problems remaining 2:

-- Keymaping fail: qwerty/es.kmap works in prompt only.
-- Browser and media slow: drivers, flash, codecs or extensions missing?  ::)

PD: I'm finishing the book, what a awesome distro!

Hi reto0110
I see you are loading both  Xorg-7.7-3d.tcz  and  Xvesa.tcz.  You should only load one of those.  What does this return:

--- Code: ---cat /etc/sysconfig/Xserver
cat /etc/sysconfig/desktop
--- End code ---

You can also remove the following from  onboot.lst:

--- Code: ---tc-install-GUI.tcz
--- End code ---
They will still be available using the  Apps  utility and then clicking  Apps->Load App Locally.

If you know what kind of wireless hardware you have we can remove most of those firmware extensions from  onboot.lst  too.


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