i got "FFPLAY media player" working on win64 for playing videos and streaming videos.......by following the small video below.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rMn7lyKEho (win 64)
https://www.ubuntu-user.com/Magazine/Archive/2014/20/Playing-streams-off-the-web-with-FFplay (Linux)
the two commands are in the steps below for win 64
1) just download FFMPEG for win64
2) Extracting it to the C drive
3) Going into "advanced settings"....environment variables....and editing TEMP to show
........ /C:\the path to the bin folder inside the ffmpeg folder
4) Then going into enviro variables and SYSTEM and creating a new path by clicking NEW then enter
........ PATH
........ /C:\ (same path as in 3 above)
Now "FFPLAY media player" works from the bin folder........... command line in win64
To demonstrate it, you put some mp4 video file into that bin folder.
Then just issue the command......... >ffplay (the mp4 file)......... and you will see the video play.
ffplay -h (gets you all the help )
This is for anybody who wants to play videos and streaming videos on the Raspberry Pi using
"FFPLAY media player" inside FFMPEG....... but is finding it not initially straight forward on Pi...
(trial it first on win)