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How Is Linux Used In An Enterprise Environment?


To be honest whenever I saw people mention "Enterprise environments" and how enterprises use RHEL or CentOS I thought it was because of speed or reliability or something like that. I also had this (probably wrong)idea that it was used for programming. So I installed CentOS today, downloaded my first yum package (PHP) and saw that it installed PHP 5.4.

I know that I can use other repos to install newer versions, that this PHP 5.4 is secure and maintained by them and that this distro is probably more reliable because it rarely upgrades anything. I googled about using PHP 7 in CentOS and saw people mention that other packages might be incompatible to the new PHP even if I install it. This made me wonder if not for programming, then for what is Linux used for in an Enterprise setting?

"Enterprise" it's and abstract concept, any company would use whatever suit it's needs. I have worked with companies or on an "Enterprise environment" some of them used Windows XP or software from 2012 without any kind of security update for the last 7 years. So, yeah if something is cheap and reliable enough sure it will be in a "Enterprise Environment". Maybe your are going to have very rock solid software and hardware on critical systems, like petrochemicals, health systems (like hospitals) and such.

Hiow is it related to Tiny Core Base???

Hi bmarkus

--- Quote from: bmarkus on December 08, 2019, 03:50:47 AM ---Hiow is it related to Tiny Core Base???
--- End quote ---
It's not. Thread moved to  Off-Topic -> Tiny Core Lounge.


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