I have this:
Linux box 4.9.22-piCore #1 Sat Apr 15 15:30:03 UTC 2017 armv6l GNU/Linux
running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a Zero4U usb HUB attached ( There is a USB sound card and an Arduino connected to the system trough the USB hub. To be able to talk to the Arduino, i'm using the usb-serial-4.9.22-piCore.tcz package. During booting of the system i noticed that the USB hub, along with the connected Arduino and USB sound card (it has a LED on it) seem to get powercycled (so at turn on everyting lights up, then during booting suddenly LEDs on the HUB and also on attached devices go out and then come back on after half a second or so). I'm not completely sure but i believe this corresponds to the usb-serial package getting installed. My questions are:
-is this to be expected or there's something fishy going on?
-if it is to be expected, is there a way to avoid the reset/powercycle?
Thanks in advance!