Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

popask "NO" values differ in keyboard

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TinyCorePure64 10.1 :

If you aren't using a mouse to click on yes / no, but instead are using the return key OR the space key to register a "NO", they return different values.  Use TAB to navigate to "no" button.


popask using the return/enter key to register a "yes" = 1

popask using the SPACE key to register a "yes" =1


Use the TAB key to navigate to NO button.

popask using return/enter to register "no" = 1

popask using SPACE key to register "no" = 0

So, not a showstopper, BUT in the hands of the unskilled who might just actually use the space/return keys instead of a mouse, may result in unintended actions.

Hi PDP-8
It seems it's not a bug:

--- Quote ---Description

Displays a printf-style message in a pop-up box with an "Yes" and "No" button and waits for the user to hit a button. The return value is 1
if the user hits Yes, 0 if they pick No or another dialog box is still open. The enter key is a shortcut for Yes and ESC is a shortcut for No.

Note: Common dialog boxes are application modal. No more than one common dialog box can be open at any time. Requests for
additional dialog boxes are ignored.
--- End quote ---
Found here:

Hi guys,
How to catch the Yes No output?
I tried

I always get No - regardless I clicked yes or no

Hi pek
Check out  xmessage.  It's part of  Xorg-7.7-bin.tcz. Example:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~$ xmessage -buttons Yes:1,No:2,Maybe:3 -print  -center "Hello, World!"
tc@E310:~$ echo $?
--- End code ---

This tells  xmessage  to create a popup with 3 buttons, Yes, No, and Maybe.
The numbers are the exit code you want for each button. The exit code can be found in  $?
The  -print  option tells it to print the name of the button selected.
The  -center  option tells it to place the popup in the center of the screen.

Just entering  xmessage  produces a help screen.

Hi Rich..
Sorry I was asking about popask.
I don't have xorg, only xfbdev. So I don't have xmessage either.

Back to popask..

--- Code: ---popask
clicked yes.. gives 1
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---popask
clicked no.. gives 0
--- End code ---

How to catch that 1 or 0 so I can make and if loop?


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