i loved .dsl packages, mydsl was getting really good, but i loved that
i could just download a package and install it the same way whether it was online or not. it was even more convenient since i never made any setup persistant. i would just load from .dsl everytime. for larger packages i loved the ones
i could mount and unmount, i don't know the difference between .uci and .unc (they were the same to me.)
i've been looking at the "getting started" page and it looks like .dsl packages won't be used. makes sense, since tinycore is not "dsl." but i wonder what the analogs between .dsl, .u??, and the new packages are.
i also wonder if it's going to be easy to download the packages and install them without either a connection, partition, or external device. (maybe from a -separate- cd.) just like i could with .dsl and .uci. i like to boot toram from cd, i liked that you could add .dsl packages to the cd without actually "remastering," and i like the convenience of using mydsl online, but not as much as the option of just keeping .dsl files in the option folder.
if playing with the tinycore cd i'm about to make answers any of these questions, i'll post the answers i have here, but i'll ask now.
answer 1: it's obvious from this website you can download .tce packages, i just downloaded one. for now i only assume (it only makes sense) that it will be possible to install it later. i just found the faq's on the wiki, robert you have such a great website for tinycore. whoever is responsible did a beautiful job.
answer 2: up to 255 loop devices for .tcz!