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WHy is this terminology so incorrect?
Solid State Drive. or disk.......... SSD
THere is no "drive" present.
A Hard Disk "Drive" HDD....... is referring to the drive shaft of motors that
spin the physical disk surface.
SSD does not have any motors or drive's or drive shafts or disks.
The term should be renamed....Solid State Device.
Not really, as there are many solid state devices, how would you know which one was being referred to..... ;)
Maybe it should be SSDS, solid state data storage. :)
Yes....good idea
SSDS. (Solid state data storage)
The currently terminology is certainly wholly wrong.
The "save" icon for pretty much every program is and will probably forever be a floppy disk. A program's dashboard doesn't protect us from mud kicked up by horses, but we've kept the name. The key is using the terms everyone else is familiar with, even if they are out of date. Otherwise, you will be failing to communicate.
--- Quote from: andyj on July 30, 2019, 08:01:03 AM ---The "save" icon for pretty much every program is and will probably forever be a floppy disk. A program's dashboard doesn't protect us from mud kicked up by horses, but we've kept the name. The key is using the terms everyone else is familiar with, even if they are out of date. Otherwise, you will be failing to communicate.
--- End quote ---
Exactly, well said. Nothing wrong with SSD in my opinion, give the consumer something to relate too. SSD is a Solid State Drive as opposed to a Spinning Hard disk Drive.
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