dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > General dCore Talk

Put dCore on a diet?

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Gotcha.  Sorry to sound kinda gruff about it.

It's only because I bounce between two worlds which have different outlooks, yet are from the same family - TC and dCore.  Easy to get their purpose mixed up. :)

Like, I'll put the busybox directory at the start of my path in front in dCore, so bashism's in the shell aren't a problem when developing on TC or dCore and sharing between the two.

I'm biased because I primarily use TC and dCore offline as-is, leaving the heavy lifting of multimedia to other devices.  *core is fun enough out of the box offline - but that's me. :)

So my first hypocritical request would be to consider putting gdisk and / or gParted into the standard uefi test image release!

Remember - you're talking to a guy who used Coherent for years, and had no uucp access - so "online" meant having books or other data by my side...  maybe that's the problem. :)

<.. running and ducking ... >


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