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Is WiFi good for your health?

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There are people who claim WiFi is not good for their health. I am also such person.
Because I like the members of this forum I would like to recommend to minimize exposure on WiFi if you pay attention to your health.

Wi-Fi - Safe or Harmful?

16x9 - Crossed Signals: Dangers of Wifi

Wifi signals are like traffic pollution, you aren't going to stop it anytime soon, too many people using it.

This comes up all the time.  I work with microwaves professionally and it all comes down to strength of signal and length of exposure.

The FUD is good for sales, click-bait, and shows that don't even know the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.  Or, the "studies show" kind of things involve taping a phone to your head 24/7 for years on end.

Parents - stick around as we expose the truth!  But right after this commercial break. $$$

In other words, follow the money trail.  Whether it's trying to sell you a "detector device",  late-night get-rich-quick lawsuits, watching our exclusive stories from "independent studies", (right after the break!), or the latest by going to websites filled with click-bait and aggregate browser data selling, it's mostly designed to profit from fear.

Ok watching this make me think is this "Saul Goodman" series? Anyway proofs like this will never go away easily and WiFi connection is one of the best source to communicate and to learn. I have never seen personally in whole life who suffer a disease by using wifi for a couple of hours so I think it's safe as long as it follow the standard.

Fox 5 News on WiFi Health Concerns in MCPS Schools 2/15/2016


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