Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

A few claws-mail quirks in TC10 x86

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--- Code: ---tc@E310:~$ claws-mail
claws-mail: error while loading shared libraries: libsasl2.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
tc@E310:~$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libsasl2.so.3.0.0 /usr/local/lib/libsasl2.so.2
tc@E310:~$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libsasl2.so.3.0.0 /usr/local/lib/libsasl2.so
tc@E310:~$ sudo ldconfig
tc@E310:~$ claws-mail

(claws-mail:5622): Claws-Mail-WARNING **: can't open signature file: /home/tc/.signature

(claws-mail:5622): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
tc@E310:~$ touch .signature
tc@E310:~$ claws-mail

(claws-mail:7463): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
tc@E310:~$ export DICPATH=/usr/local/share/myspell/
tc@E310:~$ export DICTIONARY=en_US
tc@E310:~$ claws-mail
xdg-open not found
--- End code ---
Creating the links allows the program to run. Creating the second link is probably unnecessary.

The  Claws-Mail-WARNING  is due to a nonexistent file. Creating an empty file is enough to eliminate the warning.

The  Gtk-CRITICAL  error occurs when selecting  Configuration->Edit accounts...  from the menu. It does not stop the program. It only
appears to happen the first time it is selected from the menu. Maybe an initialization issue?

The  export  commands were part of an effort to get the spell check working. Executing  hunspell -D  showed it was looking in
/usr/share/myspell.  I also loaded  hunspell-en-us.tcz  because  hunspell.tcz  doesn't appear to contain any dictionaries. All was
to no avail, but spell checking for E-mail is not a deal breaker for me.

The  xdg-open  messages occurred when selecting  Configuration->Preferences...  from the menu, and then selecting
External Programs  from the popup window. Installing  xdg-utils.tcz  fixed that.


--- Quote from: Rich on July 14, 2019, 12:49:09 AM ---The  export  commands were part of an effort to get the spell check working. Executing  hunspell -D  showed it was looking in
/usr/share/myspell.  I also loaded  hunspell-en-us.tcz  because  hunspell.tcz  doesn't appear to contain any dictionaries. All was
to no avail, but spell checking for E-mail is not a deal breaker for me.

--- End quote ---

Yeah - hunspell will work standalone if the dictionary path is specified, but it is going to need fixing to work with dictionaries in /usr/local.

If "--prefix=/usr/local" is used, hunspell does not adjust the dictionary path, nor does it allow the location to be specified. I guess it will need hacking here:
--- Code: ---$ grep -r share/hunspell .
./src/tools/hunspell.cxx:  "/usr/share/hunspell:"
--- End code ---

I'll take a look.

I updated the dictionary location and adjusted the dep file so that a dictionary is loaded.

Maybe you could check this part of things and then I'll take a look at claws-mail?

Hi Juanito
Hunspell  can now find its dictionary:

--- Code: ---tc@E310:~$ hunspell -D
AVAILABLE DICTIONARIES (path is not mandatory for -d option):
Hunspell 1.3.3
& fxied 3 0: fixed, fried, flied

^Z[1]+  Stopped                    hunspell -D
--- End code ---
But  claws-mail  still can't find  hunspell.  Or maybe  enchant  can't find  hunspell ?  Maybe these debug messages are of some help:

--- Code: ---prefswindow.c:706:0.000000
gtkaspell.c:1623:Aspell: error when searching for dictionaries: No dictionary found.
inc.c:1479:removed timer = 95
inc.c:1467:added timer = 515
prefswindow.c:177:prefs window closed
compose.c:7451:Creating compose window...
toolbar.c:724:read Toolbar Configuration from toolbar_compose.xml
compose.c:6787:extra headers file not found
addr_compl.c:397:read 45 items in (null)
addr_compl.c:458:start_address_completion((null)) ref count 1
hooks.c:71:registed new hook for 'folder_update' as id 4
gtkaspell.c:681:Aspell: Could not create spell checker.
gtkaspell.c:684:Aspell: number of existing checkers 0
alertpanel.c:254:Creating alert panel dialog...
alertpanel.c:213:called inc_lock (lock count 1)
alertpanel.c:223:called inc_unlock (lock count 0)
template.c:166:template.c:167 reading templates dir /home/tc/.claws-mail/templates
addr_compl.c:768:end_address_completion ref count 0
hooks.c:90:unregisted hook 4 in 'folder_update'
--- End code ---
The complete set of debug messages (program start to program exit) is attached if it helps.

It appears to be looking for  aspell.  The  gtkaspell.c:1623  occurs when calling up the preferences window. The gtkaspell.c:681 & 684
occur when calling up the compose window. I did try installing  aspell  yesterday but it didn't help.

Just a couple of other notes:
1. The info file should probably have a note to start  dbus.
2. The  hunspell  update seems to have created a (circular?) dependency issue. The  claws-mail,tcz.tee  files is now 168 Megabytes.

enchant did not have a dep on aspell, so I've recompiled it.

There was a circular dep with hunspell that I fixed, but it looks like the claws-mail tree file wasn't rebuilt.


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