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dCorePlus-bionic UEFI/BIOS iso

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Jason W:
I have uploaded a dCoreplus-bionic iso to the release candidates area.  I have test booted it after burning to cdrom and to usb with the dd command on BIOS machines.  The iso also works in Virtualbox in both with UEFI and BIOS booting.  On a modern UEFI machine, the goal is one can burn the iso to cdrom or usb and boot with it, set up wireless networking, then import dCore-usbinstall in the running session to create a UEFI bootable usb that has a tce directory on an ext2 filesystem on the usb.  Syslinux in the iso is version 6.0.4. 

Please download and test, especially those with UEFI boxes. 


Good news Jason!

That bionic iso boots up on 4 of my uefi-only machines:  two different model Intel Computesticks, an Acer laptop, and an Intel NUC set for uefi-only.

I did note that on all of the boxes, after the grub menu times out (or if you just hit enter on the Jessie option), there is about a 30 second wait while the screen is totally black.

(not sure if Jessie is just a typo in the grub menu, or part of the kernel 4.14 thing or what ...)

After that 20-30 second period, the large square cpu active graphic blocks appear, followed by the usual boot-stanza vga text.

Intel NUC:  boots to command prompt, but issuing startx brings up the X server.  All other machines boot to gui with no intervention.

Ah, good to see dCore up and running for me again.

Jason W:
I also see the long pause with only a black screen with both grub and isolinux boot.  I will look into what kind of progress feedback can be done.   Glad to hear it is working on your machines.  On my box with an Nvidia card, I have to issue startx after booting as it falls back into console mode for some reason, but not on a setup with an Intel video chip.

Oops, yeah the jessie entry is a typo, will fix. 

Jason W:
Ok, I fixed the typo and also grub and isolinux have progress indicators during the loading of the kernel and initrd images.  New isos re-uploaded.

YES to the new iso's!

STARTUP - thank you for the progress indicators.  Those of us with Atom processors are keen for cstate lockups, although that is also due to a good kernel config.  Keeping my eye on it, but so far, so good.

SHUTDOWN - all machines properly shutdown, and turn the power off.  However, just before shutdown, I notice this on all:

--- Code: ---xinit - unexpected signal 15
--- End code ---

Virtual Terminals?  Am I supposed to have at least one, or do I need to look at my dCore notes again. :)

Aterm notes - not a boot specific item, but 3 out of the 4 machines boot up in full resolution on my 1920x1080 monitor.  Looks good, and of course if I add a graphics driver to the one machine, that can be fixed.

However, aterm seems to have no locale?  In other words, my old standby for quickie first-run configurations of

--- Code: ---aterm -fn 10x20 &
aterm -fn 12x24 &
--- End code ---

can't load the fonts, although xlsfonts indicates they are available.  I'll add my own fonts later, but perhaps for the total newbie who isn't savvy on the ways to edit .Xdefaults right out of the gate might find these mono-spaced and slightly larger fonts helpful for first configurations.  Especially for uefi-only modern machines with higher resolution displays to start with.

Not a big deal right now, but just an operational kind of note for today's world. :)


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