Hiro - I like the console too, so I know exactly where you are coming from..
And I'm lovin' life with only Xfbdev running full-resolution in X with Terminus bitmap fonts. They look *great* at native resolution.
BUT, If I crash even the tiny-x server, and I want a better looking font for debugging, I'll reboot and use the "nomodeset" bootcode. That usually results in a better looking console font for debugging. Maybe not great, but big enough to be useful. Or maybe just remove the graphics driver from onboot.lst
But back to Terminus - I never compiled the terminus-fonts.tcz with the ability to do console fonts - just the X server only.
Sooo ... in other systems where you may still be running at native resolution, but virtual terminal consoles basically are invisible, I like to add the terminus fonts package from their repos and set the console font
dpkg-reconfigure setconsolefont
Debian, Slackware, Raspbian etc etc similar and choose Terminus. Now you can run at native res, but STILL have nice large good looking console fonts.
Unfortunately, I wasn't skilled enough to include console fonts in Terminus - maybe some other skilled user could take that on? hint-hint