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Author Topic: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive  (Read 7316 times)

Offline kaye-for-core

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Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« on: June 02, 2019, 04:21:19 AM »
Hello.  I really want to try Core-current.iso because I want to experience building my OS from almost nothing.  I assume this is possible with Core-current.iso?

Several questions"

1.  In http://tinycorelinux.net/downloads.html, we have three options: Core, TinyCore, CorePlus.  What, then, is Micro Core, Corepure64, etc?  I'm very confused as to what iso I should download.  I just want to install a 64-bit version of Core-current.iso to my hard drive, which is now a dual boot system of Windows and a Linux distro.

2.  How exactly do I install Core-current.iso to my hard drive? Is it not the same as how we install Linuxmint etc. to our hard drive? That is, make a live USB, boot the live USB, click Install, choose preferences and follow instructions until finished.

3.  I understand that Core-current.iso is the command-line only version, correct? I assume it is possible to download a window manager so that when I boot in again, I would be working in a GUI.  Would I first need to have an ethernet connection so I can download the window manager? And no, I do not want to use the TinyCore which already has a GUI.  As I said, I want the experience, so I'm choosing Core-current.iso

Somebody please help me get started.

Thank you very much

Offline Juanito

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2019, 04:30:56 AM »
For the 64-bit version of tinycore, you need to download CorePure64 from here:


..or the window manager version from here:


You can then burn the iso to cd/dvd or use the "dd" command to burn it to a usb stick.

Once booted, you will initially need a wired ethernet connection to download wifi or other software.

Offline neonix

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 05:09:41 AM »
Instead burning of CD-R iso or "burn" USB stick I load iso using grub4dos which is my favourite bootloader right know. Here is example of my menu.lst

Code: [Select]
color cyan/blue white/cyan white/black white/black
timeout 3
default 12

title Start iso 3
set ISO=/isoz/dCore-trusty.iso
ls %ISO% > nul || find --set-root --devices=hf %ISO%
map %ISO% (0xff) || map --mem %ISO% (0xff) || map --mem --heads=0 --sectors-per-
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /boot/vmlinuztrusty vga=ask
initrd /boot/dCoretrusty.gz
root (bd)

When I want to install TC in my USB stick I copy vmlinuz and core.gz

Code: [Select]
title TinyCore Linux 10x
kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz10 nodhcp base nohd vga=786
initrd (hd0,0)/boot/core10.gz

1. Core-10.0.iso is 32-bit without GUI
TinyCore-10.0.iso is 32-bit with GUI
CorePlus-10.0.iso is different versions of Tinycore Linux with differen GUI and other stuff like WIFi support.

CorePure64-10.0.iso is 64-bit ONLY without GUI (32-bit programs doesn't work with this)
TinyCorePure64-10.0.iso is 64-bit ONLY with GUI (32-bit programs doesn't work with this)

Micro Core is 32-bit without GUI. Corepure64 is 64-bit ONLY without GUI (32-bit programs doesn't work with this).

2. Tinycore Linux is LiveCD distro, this means that you install it in different way than standard distros. You can us tc-install.tcz or tc-install-GUI.tcz for automation of installation.

3. Yes, Core-current.iso is command-line only, but you can install GUI typing "tce-load -iw Xvesa aterm jwm wbar".  If you want to have GUI next time when you run computer you have to create tce directory like "/mnt/sda1/tce" where your extensions will be stored and add boot code"tce=sda1" to your bootloader.

You need ethernet connection to download extensions in Core-current.iso. WiFi, or mobile internet is possible only with CorePlus.iso or custom remastered version of TinyCore Linux.

Offline kaye-for-core

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2019, 06:12:51 AM »
neonix, you did not elaborate on the difference between Core-10.0.iso and Micro Core.  Both are 32-bit without GUI.

Offline Rich

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2019, 07:26:42 AM »
Hi kaye-for-core
They are the same thing. I think the  microcore  name was changed to  core  starting around TC4.

Offline kaye-for-core

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2019, 11:19:27 AM »
This is what I did and I hope someone can tell me what I did wrong.

1.  I downloaded CorePlus-current.iso

2.  In http://tinycorelinux.net/faq.html#pendrives , it says,
Code: [Select]
Note using other third party installation tools, such as, unetbootin is not and cannnot be automatic. Obviously unetbootin does not "know" about our distribution, i.e., not listed in the drop choices. Therefore using unetbootin simply copies the entire iso to target.

On a cdrom we cannot have a tce dir. It would be READ_ONLY and nothing would work insofar as adding extensions. That is why there is a cde directory in the iso! It is also a fact that one cannot have two tce directores in the same partition. Nothing new about that,

It should be obvious that one can use the TinyCore CD or the CorePlus CD READ_ONLY devices to process and access any tce directory on a writable store, i.e., works as expected.

Therefore if one insists on using a third party installation tool and one that does not officially support Core and thereby copies the entirety of the TinyCore iso then you are faced with manual setup of either creating a second partition for your tce dir, or renaming the cde to tce thus indicating that this is not a CD and editing the syslinux.cfg changing cde to waitusb=5 to indicate that is a pendrive.

I used unetbootin to install CorePlus-current.iso to my USB thumb drive,  and the additional steps are exactly what I did (renamed cde to tce, and edited syslinux.cfg by changing ALL cde to waitusb=5) .

3. That's all I did with my USB thumb drive, and I was able to successfully boot into it by rebooting and going to BIOS and making the thumb drive boot first.

4.  On the CorePlus desktop screen, I clicked the TC_Install icon.

5.  Click Path to core.gz textbox
      Choose the file /mnt/sdb1/boot/core.gz   (sdb1 is my thumb drive that contains CorePlus which I was able to boot into, correct?)

6.  Frugal is checked.

7.  Check the Existing Partition option.

8.  Select the sda6 which is my Lubuntu partition.  Unchecked Install boot loader. Click the next button (right arrow button).
     I did this because of this advice:
Code: [Select]
Note: If you already have a Linux System booting, then you do not need to make a partition for Tiny Core! Tiny Core can run in a single directory in your existing Linux installation. To do so, at step 1, uncheck the option to "Install boot loader". At step 2, select an existing partition, and at Step 3, do not format it. Upon completion you will need to manually configure your existing boot loader.
9.  Select No formatting, use existing.  Click next button.

10.  In the Boot Options Reference List,  I just clicked next button.

11.  Select Core Only (Text Based Interface). Check all Extensions Categories to Install. Click next button.

12.  Click Proceed.

13.  I got an error:
       Error mounting usb device

Thank you for your time.  Excuse my ignorance, I'm not an expert.

By the way, my initial intention was just to have a 64-bit command-line-only Core version on my hard drive, and be able to boot it and then to build it by installing a window manager, etc.  There seems to be no clear steps on how to do it, or maybe I'm just confused, or not experienced enough.  I think the steps stated above would install a 32-bit version only? I don't understand why I find it so difficult to install (Micro)Core 64-bit.  I've been installing Linux distros for a couple of years now (lubunut and linuxmint) but this is the first time I've encountered some difficulty.  I want 64-bit command line only version in my hard drive that I can boot into, and it would be installed along my Windows 7 and antiX, making it a triple boot system.  I'm getting frustrated sorry.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 11:21:33 AM by kaye-for-core »

Offline neonix

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2019, 02:06:34 PM »
The fastest way is to install it manually.

Download 2 files

and save it your hard disk for example to "boot" directory
and add something simmilar like this to your bootloader configuration file:
Code: [Select]
label corepure64
kernel /boot/vmlinuz64
initrd /boot/corepure64.gz

What boot loader you use, and can you paste here a configuration file from your boot loader?

If I understand it correctly Microcore was the name used in version 3.x. Since version 4.x the name was changed to simply "core".
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 02:12:37 PM by neonix »

Offline kaye-for-core

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2019, 11:18:45 PM »
neonix thank you.  I changed my mind about installing corepure64 to an existing linux partition because what will happen if I want to delete or change that linux partition?

I think I would prefer corepure64 to be installed in a separate partition.  If it's not too much trouble, can you please give me a step-by-step instruction on how to do it?  Right now I have two separate unused partitions on the hard drive, one reserved for root, and one reserved for home.  I always do this for any linux distro.

By the way I'm not an expert, so if you could give more details, that would be great.  (I don't know where the bootloader configuration file is located, and I don't know what boot loader I use, is GRUB a boot loader? If it is then that is my boot loader.)

Thank you very much

Offline neonix

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2019, 11:53:07 AM »
You have to find boot loader configure file and paste here what's inside.

Usually it should be in this locations.

grub 2
Then tell us what you get after this command:
Code: [Select]
fdisk -l

Offline coreplayer2

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Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2019, 01:05:15 PM »
You have to find boot loader configure file and paste here what's inside.

Usually it should be in this locations.

grub 2
Hmmm.  I think /etc/grub/grub.cfg only applies if you add custom entries and choose to use the makeconfig command to reconstruct the grub.cfg file

Personally and regarding Grub2, I’ve never used the makeconfig command and write all my own grub.cfg files which are always located here
Code: [Select]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
« Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 01:07:20 PM by coreplayer2 »

Offline NewUser

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Re: Please help with installing Core-current.iso to hard drive
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2019, 02:07:24 AM »
If your current comfortable computer is Windows, I would search Sourceforge.net for core2usb. core2usb-1.6.exe will put coreplus or any TinyCore iso onto a bootable USB thumbdrive, whith which you can try, or if CorePlus is used, install TinyCore to a computer.