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[how to!?] bootable TCL.iso What should I do to run in mode?

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[how to!?] bootable TCL.iso What should I do to run in mode?

Use ezremaster with CorePure64 iso to add Xorg-7.7, flwm, wbar and aterm outside initrd onboot


--- Quote from: Juanito on June 12, 2019, 11:20:09 AM ---Use ezremaster with CorePure64 iso to add Xorg-7.7, flwm, wbar and aterm outside initrd onboot

--- End quote ---
Is this method wrong?

There are two problems:

* You have selected "inside initrd on boot" instead of "outside initrd on boot"
* The list of extensions shows Xorg-7.6 instead of Xorg-7.7 - Xorg-7.6 was in version 4.x of CorePure64


--- Quote from: Juanito on June 13, 2019, 01:13:36 PM ---There are two problems:

* You have selected "inside initrd on boot" instead of "outside initrd on boot"
--- End quote ---

I read what you write from google translation.
google translation translates incorrectly.
which one should I choose
Do you make [OK] as a checkbox?

[  ] "inside initrd on boot"
[  ] "outside initrd on boot"

--- Quote ---* The list of extensions shows Xorg-7.6 instead of Xorg-7.7 - Xorg-7.6 was in version 4.x of CorePure64

--- End quote ---

TinyCorePure64-10.1.iso +  Xorg-7.7

( A site on the Internet;
xorg iso integration
Is this true in this picture? I wanted to ask! )


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