Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 2.x
Jason W:
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko.tce
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build
Version: 3.5.3
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This is a custom build of Firefox, i686 optimized.
Depends on gtk2 and it's deps. This extension
conflicts with Minefield but not the official Firefox
extension. This is a fairly basic build with less
dependencies than the official Firefox. The maximum
cacne size is 20MB and the urlclassifier is disabled.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
2009/07/09 First build version 3.5
2009/07/10 Rebuilt with disabled urlclassifier, default
cache size 20MB, reduced default maximum
2009/07/20 Updated to 3.5.1
2009/08/04 Updated to 3.5.2
Current: 2009/09/10 Updated to 3.5.3
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko.tcz
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build
Version: 3.5.3
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This is a custom build of Firefox, i686 optimized.
Depends on gtk2 and it's deps. This extension
conflicts with Minefield but not the official Firefox
extension. This is a fairly basic build with less
dependencies than the official Firefox. The maximum
cacne size is 20MB and the urlclassifier is disabled.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
2009/07/09 First build version 3.5
2009/07/10 Rebuilt with disabled urlclassifier, default
cache size 20MB, reduced default maximum
2009/07/20 Updated to 3.5.1
2009/08/04 Updated to 3.5.2
Current: 2009/09/10 Updated to 3.5.3
--- End code ---
Jason W:
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko.tcz
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build
Version: 3.5.3
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This is a custom build of Firefox, i686 optimized.
Depends on gtk2 and it's deps. This extension
conflicts with Minefield but not the official Firefox
extension. This is a fairly basic build with less
dependencies than the official Firefox. The maximum
cacne size is 20MB and the urlclassifier is disabled.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
2009/07/09 First build version 3.5
2009/07/10 Rebuilt with disabled urlclassifier, default
cache size 20MB, reduced default maximum
2009/07/20 Updated to 3.5.1
2009/08/04 Updated to 3.5.2
2009/09/10 Updated to 3.5.3
Current: 2009/10/29 Updated to 3.5.4
--- End code ---
Jason W:
Updated and added a -dev extension for anyone wanting to build against the mozilla source:
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko-dev.tcz
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build development files
Version: 3.5.5
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: Develepment files.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
Current: 2009/11/06 First version 3.5.5
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko.tcz
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build
Version: 3.5.5
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This is a custom build of Firefox, i686 optimized.
Depends on gtk2 and it's deps. This extension
conflicts with Minefield but not the official Firefox
extension. This is a fairly basic build with less
dependencies than the official Firefox. The maximum
cacne size is 20MB and the urlclassifier is disabled.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
2009/07/09 First build version 3.5
2009/07/10 Rebuilt with disabled urlclassifier, default
cache size 20MB, reduced default maximum
2009/07/20 Updated to 3.5.1
2009/08/04 Updated to 3.5.2
2009/09/10 Updated to 3.5.3
2009/10/29 Updated to 3.5.4
Current: 2009/11/06 Updated to 3.5.5
--- End code ---
Jason W:
Added freedesktop menu/icon entries:
--- Code: ---Title: shiretoko.tcz
Description: Unbranded Firefox web browser - custom build
Version: 3.5.5
Author: The Mozilla Community
Original-site: www.mozilla.com/firefox/
Copying-policy: MPL
Size: 10MB
Extension_by: Jason W
Comments: This is a custom build of Firefox, i686 optimized.
Depends on gtk2 and it's deps. This extension
conflicts with Minefield but not the official Firefox
extension. This is a fairly basic build with less
dependencies than the official Firefox. The maximum
cacne size is 20MB and the urlclassifier is disabled.
This extension is PPI compatible.
Change-log: ----
2009/07/09 First build version 3.5
2009/07/10 Rebuilt with disabled urlclassifier, default
cache size 20MB, reduced default maximum
2009/07/20 Updated to 3.5.1
2009/08/04 Updated to 3.5.2
2009/09/10 Updated to 3.5.3
2009/10/29 Updated to 3.5.4
2009/11/06 Updated to 3.5.5
Current: 2009/11/14 Added freedesktop icon/menu entries.
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: Jason W on November 14, 2009, 08:05:44 PM ---Added freedesktop menu/icon entries
--- End quote ---
Thanks, it looks good in LXDE/Xfce4!
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