I realize I've repeated this deja vu too many times!
The PC system I have now is limited to 4GB
The currency of the country I live in is not American dollars!

For someone using 4gb ram american dollars it can be 10$
but not in the currency of the country I live in
In order for you to understand our local unit currency, I have to express it with an example;
What if someone in America pays $200 for 4gb!
that's the emotional equivalent in our local economy!

I am someone who prefers to use TCL entirely on ram.
that's why I use TCL

opposition so far
It's not a psychological behavior.
just a lack of equipment from an economic point of view
In the future, if I can increase the system to 8 GB and above
I want you to know that I will definitely make the compilation you suggest.
Many thanks for your understanding and effort.