Hi, thanks for your replays. Yes there are many variants to implement smaller code, and the gains are near insignificant in NORMAL environment like under native linux, as I do at home. Unfortunately at the daily job, which is not related to IT, I am forced to use Windows_10 (I hate it!), without acceleration for Intel CPU (I have no right to install drivers, or virtual machines, etc). So Qemu 3.1 (installed/copied by hand

is the way to enjoy my spare/lunch time. And is extremely slow.
So yes, any small improvements matter for my hobby -Tinycore. (I am not a developer).
I can easy modify my own core, no problem. But I still like to see TC as the minimalism. Otherwise Alpine Linux, with its automatic/
systematic/fast build from sources by scripts and up-to-date regarding security patches is the next in line.
The main idea, without annoying the developers, was that core/tinycore
should be as small as possible. Originally Tinycore -2.11.6.iso was near 10.4 MB, now Tinycore-10.0.iso is over 18.4MB. The small size was archived by Robert using powerful tools like ash/sed/grep/awk. The "transition/compatibility" to bash make the code more clear but a little bigger.