Tiny Core Base > BeagleBone Black (BBB)

BBB final release

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So I see TLC ported to Beaglebone and there is an alpha available in downloads, done a few years ago. Is there are final release version? Or has that been folded back into another ARM7 release? What is the current status?

Im thinking of playing with some Beaglebone boards and naturally thought of TLC first ;-D

There were no interest for the BBB port so I stopped working on and no plan to do that in the near future.

I have beagleboard AI. I don't know if it is completely different to black. what I'm currious is, would it be possible to use piCore on Beagleboard AI. Or is there too many pi related things?

Tha latest BBB release is very old and due to the lack of interest I didn't updated it. For sure on AI it will not work and if id does it is outdated. It means, that the Beagle Boans includin Black and AI are not supported.

Hello Béla,

Thank you for all you've done to kick-off BBB version.

It's sad to know there wasn't interest in this great board.

I'm a big fan of BBB and would like to update TCL if I can.

My initial guess is that most TCL packages are common to other ARM boards so it would be necessary to update your current selection of packages with the newer ones available.

Also, u-boot and kernel could be updated with more current ones.

Am I being too simplistic?



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