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Author Topic: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia  (Read 26422 times)

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2019, 09:03:20 AM »
Open a terminal window and then:
Code: [Select]
$ cd directory_name [directory where you downloaded the file]
$ tar xf cinelerra-7-x86_64_xenial.tar.xz [uncompress the downloaded file]
$ cd cinelerra-7.1/bin [folder containing cinelerra]
$ ./cinelerra [run the program]

Code: [Select]
tc@box:~/L/cinelerra-7.1/bin$ ./cinelerra
./cinelerra: error while loading shared libraries: libpng12.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Offline Juanito

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #46 on: June 03, 2019, 09:19:38 AM »
It is strange that cinelerra depends on such an old version of libpng.

You can obtain libpng12 from the Xlibs extension in the CorePure64 4.x repo here:


You need to download the extension in a temporary location, mount it and copy the files to the file system:
Code: [Select]
$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir test image
$ cd test
$ wget http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86_64/tcz/Xlibs.tcz
$ sudo mount Xlibs.tcz /tmp/image
$ sudo cp /tmp/image/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0.46.0 /usr/local/lib
$ sudo cp -d /tmp/image/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0 /usr/local/lib
$ sudo umount /tmp/image
$ sudo ldconfig
..and then things should work.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 09:45:05 AM by Juanito »

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #47 on: June 03, 2019, 11:28:05 AM »
It is strange that cinelerra depends on such an old version of libpng.

You can obtain libpng12 from the Xlibs extension in the CorePure64 4.x repo here:


You need to download the extension in a temporary location, mount it and copy the files to the file system:
Code: [Select]
$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir test image
$ cd test
$ wget http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86_64/tcz/Xlibs.tcz
$ sudo mount Xlibs.tcz /tmp/image
$ sudo cp /tmp/image/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0.46.0 /usr/local/lib
$ sudo cp -d /tmp/image/usr/lib/libpng12.so.0 /usr/local/lib
$ sudo umount /tmp/image
$ sudo ldconfig
..and then things should work.

okay, worked

« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 10:02:02 PM by Rich »

Offline Juanito

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #48 on: June 03, 2019, 11:33:25 AM »
I'm guessing you downloaded Xlibs from the 4.x repo and tried to load it in 10.x - that will not work.

Please follow the instructions I gave.

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #49 on: June 03, 2019, 12:48:39 PM »
I'm guessing you downloaded Xlibs from the 4.x repo and tried to load it in 10.x - that will not work.

Please follow the instructions I gave.

OK ;) it works as you suggest!

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2019, 09:23:53 AM »
If you're looking to convince one of tinycore user base to make an extension, you might want to specify which one you want - cinelerra-cv, cinelerra-gg, cinelerra-hv or something else.

cinelerra-hv (sensible)

Is the warehouse added !?

Is the warehouse added !?

Offline Juanito

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2019, 09:46:23 AM »
What do you mean by “is the warehouse added”?

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2019, 10:01:47 AM »
What do you mean by “is the warehouse added”?


Offline xor

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Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #54 on: August 21, 2019, 08:10:37 AM »
avidemux and pitivi are in the CorePure64 repo - have you tried them?

linux environment, I want to try all video editing programs one by one.
Previously, I've tried employees on other operating systems (cross-platform).
now I want to experience the performances of those who work exclusively on linux.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2020, 05:20:11 PM »
Hello dear colleagues,

I was able to fully understand Xor's intention, he "wanted the library to prosper", the library increased, both in quality and quantity, certainly increases the possibilities of using Tiny Core and the number of people interested in the project.

I also depend on translations from Google Translate to post content on this forum, just as English to Portuguese translations are meaningless, I believe that the same happens frequently when the translation occurs from Portuguese to English. Thankfully, we have this important tool, Google Translate, otherwise language would be the biggest problem for us to communicate.

I would like to take the opportunity to ask:

Why don't you have a 32 bit Tiny Core Plus video editor to download and install via Apps: Regular Applications (tcz)?

Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google Translate.



Olá caro colegas,

Eu consegui compreender perfeitamente a intenção do Xor, ele "queria que a biblioteca prosperasse", a biblioteca aumentado, tanto em qualidade quanto em quantidade, certamente aumenta as possibilidades de uso do Tiny Core e a quantidade de pessoas interessadas no projeto.

Eu também dependo das traduções do Google Tradutor para postar conteúdo neste fórum, da mesma forma que as traduções de inglês para português ficam sem sentido, acredito que o mesmo ocorra com frequência quando a tradução ocorre de português para inglês. Ainda bem que temos esta importante ferramenta, Google Tradutor, caso contrário a língua seria o maior problema para nos comunicarmos.

Eu gostaria de aproveitar para perguntar:

Por que não tem editor de vídeo para o Tiny Core Plus 32 bits para baixar e instalar via Apps: Regular Applications (tcz)?

Texto original em português, traduzido para inglês por Google Tradutor.


Offline Juanito

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #56 on: April 03, 2020, 01:53:20 AM »
Why don't you have a 32 bit Tiny Core Plus video editor to download and install via Apps: Regular Applications (tcz)?

The extensions are contributed by users - if there is no 32-bit video editor in the repo, it is because nobody has submitted one.

Note also that video editors are resource intensive and might not work well on 32-bit machines.

Offline xor

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2020, 04:35:46 AM »
Hello dear colleagues,

I was able to fully understand Xor's intention, he "wanted the library to prosper", the library increased, both in quality and quantity, certainly increases the possibilities of using Tiny Core and the number of people interested in the project.

I also depend on translations from Google Translate to post content on this forum, just as English to Portuguese translations are meaningless, I believe that the same happens frequently when the translation occurs from Portuguese to English. Thankfully, we have this important tool, Google Translate, otherwise language would be the biggest problem for us to communicate.

I would like to take the opportunity to ask:

Why don't you have a 32 bit Tiny Core Plus video editor to download and install via Apps: Regular Applications (tcz)?

Original text in Portuguese, translated into English by Google Translate.



Olá caro colegas,

Eu consegui compreender perfeitamente a intenção do Xor, ele "queria que a biblioteca prosperasse", a biblioteca aumentado, tanto em qualidade quanto em quantidade, certamente aumenta as possibilidades de uso do Tiny Core e a quantidade de pessoas interessadas no projeto.

Eu também dependo das traduções do Google Tradutor para postar conteúdo neste fórum, da mesma forma que as traduções de inglês para português ficam sem sentido, acredito que o mesmo ocorra com frequência quando a tradução ocorre de português para inglês. Ainda bem que temos esta importante ferramenta, Google Tradutor, caso contrário a língua seria o maior problema para nos comunicarmos.

Eu gostaria de aproveitar para perguntar:

Por que não tem editor de vídeo para o Tiny Core Plus 32 bits para baixar e instalar via Apps: Regular Applications (tcz)?

Texto original em português, traduzido para inglês por Google Tradutor.


I am an end user,
I'm not a developer right now.
I think TCL is better than other linux.
but there are some shortcomings in terms of video editing application packages.
visually, the number of programs that can be directly downloaded and run using a mouse is minimal. how many video editing software is there already :)

I understand that TCL developers want people to engage more in overall projects.
and I respect it.

Since the system I am trying to configure will be a system running on SD card, I think that the TCZ extension that I can create will cause possible problems on the HDD or SSD. for this reason I do not contribute.

Offline Juanito

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #58 on: April 04, 2020, 08:12:04 AM »
Somewhat against my better judgement, flowblade has been added to the x86 repo.

flowblade was chosen because it does not use qt-5 and it might be less resource intensive.

Only minimal testing has been done - I opened a video file.

Offline marcelocripe

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Re: Category:Video editing software for Linux - Wikipedia
« Reply #59 on: April 04, 2020, 05:26:21 PM »

Once again thank you for responding.

Thank you for making the flowblade available for Tiny Core 32 bits.

As I get information, I try to apply it, not always successfully, sometimes the explanations are succinct and difficult to implement.

I installed the flowblade with the App: Regular Applications, I always choose the OnDemand mode, when the flowblade was run for the first time, it showed the following message: "Too smal screen for this apllicatio. Minimun screen dimensions for this aplicattion are 1152 x 768, Your screen dimensions are 1024 x 768 "and the OK button.

I know that the monitor and the video card support 1152 x 768, at least with Windows I could change the resolution, in Tiny Core I don't know how to change the resolution, could you explain to me to change to 1152 x resolution 768?


Original text in Brazilian Portuguese, translation into English by Google Translate.



Mais uma vez agradeço por responder.

Agradeço por disponibilizar o flowblade para Tiny Core 32 bits.

A medida que eu vou recebendo informações eu vou tentando aplicar, nem sempre com sucesso, as vezes as explicações estão sucintas e ficam difíceis de serem implementadas.

Fiz a instalação do flowblade com o App: Regular Applications, sempre escolho o modo OnDemand, quando o flowblade foi rodar pela primeira vez exibiu a seguinte mensagem: "Too smal screen for this apllicatio. Minimun screen dimensions for this aplicattion are 1152 x 768, Your screen dimensions are 1024 x 768" e o botão OK.

Eu sei que o monitor e a placa de vídeo suportam a 1152 x 768, pelo menos com o Windows eu conseguia mudar a resolução, no Tiny Core eu não sei como fazer a para alterar a resolução, poderia me explicar mudar para a resolução 1152 x 768?


Texto original em português do Brasil, tradução para o inglês por Google Tradutor.