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socat httpd server


the dasht project : - "Search API docs offline, in terminal or browser"

has an interesting server using socat and /bin/sh

a lot of other examples of similar sort of thing can be found on tha interwebz

eg another using socat and bash : - "ZOMG a bash powers HTTP web service that runs via the `socat` web app container"  :)

i search the forum and was surprised that
this minimal server method did not appear to be mentioned !  :o
and so now it has .

Many possibility's exists for potential uses for this simple script server exist

Caching Server Scenario -,4677.msg138694.html#msg138694

i just happened to find the one above while browsing the forum

its my intention to return to this thread at some point and post a simple example of how the above script/setup can be used/modified

but for now , in case it's not obvious it is requited to
--- Code: ---tce-load -i socat
--- End code ---

to run the scripts !!

another good/simple example use could be to create a fav-icon server

a few more interesting examples - HTTPD written entirely in shell (works with Busybox)

and this one that requires bash

 which makes some interesting changes from its original fork #Simplify things by using pipes instead of fds stdin be the HTTP request body

 * see also :,22762.0.html# more shell !!

(imho) it might be an interesting experiment to condense the functional style "pipes/stdin/stdout" ect  of the ba shttpd and rework it to work with sh

like dasht or shellscripthttpd 

could be ideal to create/host  a local index.html of extensions
as  was requested in,22843.msg143165.html#msg143165# could we have a web-site index.html of extensions for tc10 64 and 32 bits?



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