Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

adriconfig.tcz can not be installed: libxml++3.tcz -> Error, not found


using TC10 32 bits under Virtualbox 6.06 [win10]
adriconfig.tcz can not be installed: libxml++3.tcz  -> Error, not found

Hi nick65go

--- Quote from: nick65go on April 19, 2019, 02:45:16 PM --- ... adriconfig.tcz can not be installed ...
--- End quote ---
That's spelled  adriconf.tcz.

--- Quote --- ... libxml++3.tcz  -> Error, not found
--- End quote ---
First install  libxml++.tcz.  And then change  libxml++3.tcz  to  libxml++.tcz  in your  adriconf.tcz.dep  file. I don't know if the typo
was in the   .dep  file or the extension name but this will fix it for now.

Hi Juanito
The other 2 .dep  files (libffado.tcz.dep  and  libxml++-dev.tcz.dep) with this dependency list it as  libxml++.tcz.  So maybe just
a typo in  adriconf.tcz.dep ?

adriconf dep file adjusted

I looked at this again and realised that I'd overwritten existing libxml++ extensions.

The original libxml++ extensions have been reinstated and libxml++3 extensions created for use with adriconf - this has the advantage that it matches the x86_64 repo.


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