openzfs.tcz ~8KB plus info/list/etc (the "Builder" script
build_zfs) Run as non-root.
Completely self-contained (retrieves anything it may need online) with no need for AI -- just a pinch of common sense!
Assumes knowledge of ZFS and ZFS related tools (see .info and builder script for details)Once it builds the binary TCZs, the resulting zfs.tcz comes in at around 53MB with docs and dev separated.
Docs claim some level of dependency on KSH; nothing I've run thus far has shown that necessity.
Kernel sources are required; if you already have 'em compiled, there's a 45+ minute savings!

Tested under v14.x x86_64 only (for the time being) but will be expanded for x86 and piCore/aarch as time permits.
Suggestions and tweaks welcome!