Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

OpenJDK Path Issue?

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Yes, manually adding the /usr/local/openjdk-8/bin/ directory to PATH enabled javac from a terminal. Geany Java compile worked when I added the directory to PATH inside .profile and rebooted. So it looks like PATH is the issue someway. I'd still like input from people compiling Java with Open JDK (and/or JRE) to see if anyone had similar issues. It's been a while since the Open JDK extension was modified and it seems like this should have popped up pretty quickly.

Thanks for your help!


--- Quote ---....Geany can't find e.g. javac (nor can it be executed in a terminal), presumably because no path to the executable exists.

Am I missing something in my setup, or is this a bug?

--- End quote ---

When I had this issue of Unable to locate javac and required files in JDK, I think, I had created some symlinks to a directory where my CLI editor was located or in home dire. If this helps !  .. :)

Hi thane
Something else may not be quite right. Take a look at the  .list  file:
About a third of the way down the path changes from  usr/local/openjdk-8/  to  usr/local/openjdk-8//jre/.  If the  .list  file is to be
believed, then it would appear that the  openjdk-8-jre  files were inadvertently included in the  openjdk-8-jdk  extension.


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