dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64 Imported Extensions
ntp user missing
I've reimported it and I still get:
--- Code: ---jls@pc1:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start
* Starting NTP server ntpd
* user "ntp" does not exist
--- End code ---
I'm using bionic
Jason W:
Ok, I tested first "norestore" bootcode with only wireless and related kernel module SCEs installed, and wireless contained packages that are needed for ntp to function. I now tested with ethernet and "base norestore" bootcodes, and have added the needed deps that were missing, and also fixed some deps of dependency packages.
Thanks for testing, it should be good now.
Still same error
I don't understand the link between a user missing and a dep missing
Jason W:
The deps are so the adduser command will work when the startup script of ntp is run.
I used a USB install of both dCore-stretch and dCore-bionic just now, made with dCore-usbinstall, with no backup so the same as booting with "base norestore". Also there are no other SCEs being loaded. Then issued the below commands:
sce-import ntp
sce-load ntp
sudo /etc/init.d/ntp start
And it started ntp as expected. Make sure you don't have /etc/group or /etc/shadow in your backup as during boot it will overwrite the added ntp user with those files that don't have the ntp user or group if ntp is being loaded during boot.
if ntp is onboot it doesn't work, if loaded when the system is already up it works.
If placed onboot,:
After executing
sudo /usr/local/tce.installed/ntp
when the system is already up then ntp doesn't complain anymore about the missing user.
Thanks Jason
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