Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

TCE 10.0 32bit, flit.tcz, Lenovo b4030

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--- Quote from: Rich on February 27, 2019, 01:47:25 PM ---The  Help  function has a small issue...

--- End quote ---
Path to help file adjusted in Makefile

--- Quote ---Flit could not control the volume because it mistakenly set the following
value in  .flit.conf...

--- End quote ---
As long as I change .asoundrc to use analogue as the default as opposed to hdmi, then leaving "Master" as the .flit.conf default works for me.

Recompiled flit posted

Hi Juanito
Downloaded and tried (under TC9) the updated extension and it appears fine.

Hi chattrhand
Try changing this line in your  autostart  script from:

--- Code: ---[ $(which flit) ] && flit &
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---[ $(which flit) ] && flit > ~/flit.txt &
--- End code ---
Reboot the machine and see if there are any messages in  flit.txt.

Thanks - updated in the x86_64 repo as well

Hi Juanito, Rich,
Now I have built a fresh tinycore 10.0 installation, and

1.  install  alsa-config.tcz

2.  install  alsa.tcz

3.  start  $ alsamixer  to see that Master is set  (to 41 or -20dB)

4.  close it with Esc

5.  sound-check with  $ speaker-test -c2 -t wav - l1  to hear "front-left-front-right"

This five steps *must* be done first and in this sequence.

The next two steps i've omitted:
6.  $ sudo alsactl store
7.  alsactl restore  added to  /opt/bootlocal.sh
That had worked well for earlier versions up to tinycore 9.0, but no effect for tinycore 10.0

8.  install  flit.tcz

9.  Build a new   /home/tc/.X.d/autostart   containing:
    (omit or modify the two sleep commands)
# /home/tc/.X.d/autostart
sleep 1
[ $(which flit) ] && flit > ~/flit.txt &
sleep 1
speaker-test -c2 -t wav -l1 &

10. save and Reboot

11. The new session shows the flit at lower right corner:
    battery indicator is active,
    missing speaker symbol,
    time display in AM/PM mode,
    no soundcheck audible.

12. Click on  (*)Exit to Prompt  and OK  and you can read:

Speaker-test 1.1.5

Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000 Hz, S16_LEm 2 channels
no sound found
Playback open error: -2 No such file or directory

13. Type   startx   and Enter to restart the session.
    Now you hear the soundcheck and see  flit  fully working.

14. Or you do it step by step: click on flit and close it by its menu, re-open it by its wBar icon.
    Open the terminal and enter  $ speaker-test -c2 -t wav -l1 &

15. In the flit menu you also can save the last settings in ~/flit.conf
    This table has no variable for volume settings.
This is my workaround for alsa sound and flit on TC 10.0

And yes, the flit.tcz version for TC 9.0 works for TC 10.0 too.

thanks for your help


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