It's old and has been unmaintained since 2013 but I tested it on Debian Stretch and, after snagging some dependencies from the older Wheezy repository, it worked perfectly.
I think it's the perfect graphical Word Processor for Tiny Core as it's ridiculously lightweight yet still gives the user basic formatting options and saves in the RTF format, which is recognized by nearly all other Word Processors.
Why not use LibreOffice or Abiword? Both are heavy, and Abiword glitches out a lot. If I'm trying to squeeze a system into 64mb of ram, neither of those will work. And Wordgrinder doesn't display properly (I think Tinycore's console font is lacking in certain characters).
This page (
http://oldcomputer.info/log/index.php?id=20161125213022-building-ted-under-debian-jessie) has info on what is needed to build Ted.
I've heard that it was once in the TC repos, but didn't make it into later version. So if this is a bit too much to ask for, I understand.