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Author Topic: Realtek wifi network card module r8822be is not present/loaded CorePlus 9.0  (Read 9985 times)

Offline h2sammo

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so, im doing something wrong then. i used the latest CorePlus.iso . I do not see these apps in the CDE or the Boot folder. Where do i look?

Also, about the Downloads webpage. The extensions link takes me to a list of extensions, in text format. There is no way to download them.

please explain.

EDiT: i found the extension in CDE folder... i dont know why it hasnt been copied... i will correct
« Last Edit: January 25, 2019, 09:30:22 PM by h2sammo »
Thank you for your help!

Offline Rich

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Hi h2sammo
... Also, about the Downloads webpage. The extensions link takes me to a list of extensions, in text format. There is no way to download them. ...
That's because in general you should be using the  Apps  utility to download and install extensions. If you really need to
download via a browser, you can do it like this:
Code: [Select]