Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases

Tiny Core 10.0 Alpha 2 Testing

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Hi Juanito

--- Quote from: Juanito on December 28, 2018, 12:44:50 AM --- ... google doesn't throw up any hits  :(
--- End quote ---

Stripping the error message to make it a little less specific returns some results. Try searching on this:

--- Code: ---unsupported non-PIC call to IFUNC
--- End code ---


..says "Looks like wrong conditions in hand-written asm code."

..and ends with "i'm pretty ok to just to have ExclusiveArch: %{x8664} for 7.3 branch"

It looks like a php-7.3 problem that they don't want to fix for x86?

Hi andyj
You could try adding this when you  ./configure  :

--- Code: -----with-pic
--- End code ---
I'm basing this suggestion on posts 2 and 3 from the link Juanito provided.

Actually, --with-pic=both is the default, which is causing the problem. I don't know why the articles you referenced weren't returned in my searches. Maybe it's a geography thing. Anyway, following the hints lead me to try the undocumented --with-pic=0 setting (never did find the list of choices), which allows it to compile. I see -fPIC for many other packages so I don't know why it's a problem for PHP. I still need to run "make test/check" for the packages that have it. Unfortunately I don't have Oracle or SQL Server databases at my new location yet so I can't test PHP against those.

I'm not sure why but the PHP tests for the pspell extension (using aspell) hang on both 32-bit and 64-bit. Strace says they're hanging on futex_wait_private, but I don't know who or what they're waiting for. Does Aspell need to be recompiled?


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