Tiny Core Base > Alpha Releases
Tiny Core 10.0 Alpha 1 Testing
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce that Tiny Core 10.0 Alpha1 is available for public testing:
This is an alpha level cut. If you decide to help test, then please test carefully. We don't want anyone to lose data.
Since this is an alpha cut, we ask that only experienced users test. This cut is not for general use. The features in any alpha are not fixed and may change before a public release candidate is available.
Most extensions have been copied over from the 9.x repo
We appreciate testing and feedback.
If you use distribution files note that you need a new vmlinuz and core.gz (or rootfs.gz + modules.gz)
Changelog for 10.0 alpha1:
* kernel updated to 4.19.10
* glibc updated to 2.28
* gcc updated to 8.2.0
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.44.4
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.32.1
* busybox updated to 1.29.3
* busybox patched for vi search bug
I noticed there isn't an installer in the ISO. I don't suppose that with a new version we could tweak the installation paths so that adding 64-bit to a 32-bit install would be easy, that is move boot to the root of the boot drive and out of a tce directory, and make the tce directories tce32 and tce64.
Are you speaking of the tc-install extension that is included in the CorePlus iso (not yet posted for tc-10.x)?
Probably. I'm doing it the hard way for now. So far I've noticed that /etc/os-release needs to be updated, and m4.tcz 64-bit has a bad checksum. A lot of the extensions I maintain didn't compile on 32-bit and 64-bit so I have some debugging to do.
Thanks for the feedback.
/etc/os-release was missed, it will be corrected in the next release. m4 md5sum corrected.
The tc-install extension is a script - feel free to propose changes.
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