Tiny Core Base > Micro Core

HOW2 D/L 32bit <gpm.tcz>


I've lost my WiFi [in this Trump-shithole-location].
So the unfamiliar EXPENSIVE dialup non-TC installation makes it difficult
to find & follow my TCforumThread: "tinycore => mulinux => android ?"

AFAIR the next step in my complex task, was to install gpm to the MINIMALIST
32bit - ash-based TCcore. For this I need:
1. The URL of the relevant <gpm.tcz> ; the URL where I D/L-ed <core.iso>
   gives no lead to individual *.tcz
2. The name of the command/script to install the fetched <gpm.tcz>

NB. I must fetch 32bit<gpm.tcz> by a NON-TC system which does not know
the required URL.

Please !


After logging in to this forum; Selecting “Profile” and then “Show Posts” from the main forum page as shown in the attached screenshot all your posts will be listed and so incredibly easy to find..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: labeas on December 15, 2018, 08:53:05 PM ---NB. I must fetch 32bit<gpm.tcz> by a NON-TC system which does not know
the required URL.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Juanito on December 15, 2018, 08:59:06 AM ---
--- Code: ---$ wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86/tcz/gpm.tcz
$ wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86/tcz/gpm.tcz.dep
$ wget http://repo.tinycorelinux.net/9.x/x86/tcz/gpm.tcz.md5.txt
--- End code ---

..and repeat for the contents of the dep file

--- End quote ---

Good, thanks.
IMO gpm is the most essential tool; after the Terminal.
The eventual aim of porting Mulinux to android, via the intermediate
 cofirmation that it runs on a minimalist ash/busybox-based TC, seems
 remote. Too many old library conflicts with 1999 Mulinux.
Executables without dependencies are no problem; as these novel-coded
 unix2dos, dos2unix scripts prove:--------
# \r\n -> \n, (C) 1998 by M. Andreoli
# [ use sed+tr ] oh, awk!
cat | ( sed "s/%/#perc#/g; s/@/#amp#/g" |\
tr '\012' '%'|\
tr '\015' '@'|\
sed 's/@%/%/g' |\
tr '%' '\012' |\
tr '@' '\015' |\
sed "s/#perc#/%/g; s/#amp#/@/g")
-> ls -l == ... 1355 Dec 17 06:37 Setup     
-> cat Setup | /mnt/sdb1/Mul14r0/tree/tree/bin/unix2dos | wc -l -c
==  48    1403 <- unix2dos adds 48 chars for 48 lines: 1355+48 == 1403


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