dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > General dCore Talk
How to configure the local keyboard layout in dCore
When using TinyCore, I can follow instructions and configure the keyboard like this:
--- Quote ---The extension "kmaps.tcz" was created just for this. It includes all keymaps from the kbd package. Keymaps have to be changed in the console, not in X.
So, for a quick test, load the extension, exit to prompt, and type:
sudo loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwerty/fi-latin9.kmap
To make this permanent, add the extension kmaps.tcz to your persistent tce directory, and then either use the bootcode kmap=qwerty/fi-latin9, or add the command to /opt/bootlocal.sh (missing the sudo, since bootlocal is executed as root):
loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/qwertz/fi-latin9.kmap
--- End quote ---
For dCore, that package name was not recognized, I tried
--- Code: ---sce-import kmaps
--- End code ---
I get the
--- Quote ---Warning: 'kmaps' is not available as a package, exiting..
--- End quote ---
When looking in the Wiki for dCore, I find this empty section:
Ho do I configure the keyboard in dCore?
Look HERE in the Wiki.
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