I use and am happy with TC64; also with the default non-X.
In 1999, I ran the 1.7Mb fd0 based mulinux.
Later when I had no system with a stiffy-drive, I was able to eg.
chroot /home/CRG/Mul14r0
But now, with this laptop, running 32Bit Debian7, also from a USBstik,
I get error "Out of space" - from all of several mulinux installations, on
various devices, which previously could <chroot mulinux>.
Since mulinux, like tinycore, uses ash instead of bash, I'm hoping that
if I installed 32bit-tinycore, that would help me get a running mulinux,
and perhaps even later install mulinux to my X86 android Tablet.
What does the "Out of space" error indicate?
I saw a youtube of mulinux being installed to an android Tablet.
How stOOpid to explain a complex/mathematical-like process
via video ?!
BTW mulinux has a KILLER 12664byte, no dependencies editor: e3,
which rightNOW, from this 32bit:Debian7
/home/CRG/Mul14r0/usr/bin/e3 : starts by showing the menu:-
MicroEditor e3 v2.2 GPL (C) 2000-02 A.Kleine <kleine@ak.sax.de>
Enter filename or leave with RETURN
Key bindings in WS mode:
Files: ^KR Insert ^KS Save ^KX Save&Exit ^KQ Abort&Exit
^KD Save&Load ^KP Pipe buffer thru 'sed'
... etc ...
IMO mulinux is brilliant as an educational device, partly because of
the help menuS. Here's a extract from the Mail&NewsClient:---
case "Z$1Z" in
Z-hZ) echo "rna [-h|-mail|-news]"; exit;;
ZZ|Z-mailZ|Z-MailreaderZ) MODE=Mailreader ; shift 2>/dev/null;;
Z-newsZ|Z-NewsreaderZ) MODE=Newsreader; shift ;;
if [ "$TMP" ] && [ -r $TMP/mem ]; then
. $TMP/mem
What minimal 32bit tinycore should I install, so as to be able to
eg. simply add the <ash scripted New&mail Reader> and all its
depenency files?