General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Alsa not working on HP 245 netbook

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--- Quote from: julcar on November 21, 2018, 09:02:15 PM ---The weird fact is that after loading alsa.tcz, it turns on the led indicator at F6 key, and there is no way to turn it off, so in my understanding, the laptop is permanently "muted", that is why running the commands on the terminal don't do anything.

--- End quote ---

If the "speaker-test" did not give an error, then perhaps your sound is muted - did you try to un-mute it with alsamixer?

Finally I got sound working, at least the speaker test  :D

I edited onboot.lst like this:


in that order seems that the alsa.tcz extension is loaded properly, but then, I must run the speaker-test to unmute the speakers, else the speakers stays muted for all the time, note that when I boot the system, the mute led indicator on F6 key turns on, but after running the speaker test the led turns off.

Now, I tried to listen audio from firefox (youtube, livestream, etc) but there's no audio on speakers  :-\

Good job getting Alsa to work, now you just need to configure Alsa to restore settings on each reboot.   There are various ways to accomplish this, but I prefer
" amixer set "Master" 80 unmute " which is best runs as X starts on each reboot

this will create a file in .X.d to run the unmute command on reboot

--- Code: ---echo "amixer set "Master" 80 unmute" >> ~/.X.d/alsa
--- End code ---
Note you'll need a persistent Home or save to your backup

As for Firefox, you'll need to install pulseaudio extension but I'd recommend "pavucontrol.tcz' extension which will easily help you to configure pulseaudio and provide a nice volume control too.. 
Note:  Be sure to follow the instruction in pulseaudio info file

Basically the pulseaudio info file says to create a couple more files in .X.d directory to start dbus and pulseaudio

--- Code: ---echo "sudo dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session" >> ~/.X.d/dbus
echo "start-pulseaudio-x11" >> ~/.X.d/pulseaudio
--- End code ---

I've folllowed all the instructions, but something seems to be wrong, I've attached a screenshot when I try to run pavucontrol


--- Quote from: julcar on November 22, 2018, 07:22:49 PM ---I've folllowed all the instructions, but something seems to be wrong, I've attached a screenshot when I try to run pavucontrol

--- End quote ---
Looks like pulse audio hasn’t been started

Is pulse audio loaded?  If so then start it  as per  pulse audio info file

How did you install pavucontrol?   
wget ?
tce-ab ?
tce-load ?

Is pavucontrol.tcz  installed to onboot.lst ?

from the info file

check dbus is running

--- Code: ---$ /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus status
--- End code ---

check if pulseaudio is running

--- Code: ---pulseaudio -vv
--- End code ---
[to test]

Did you create this file to start pulseaudio?

--- Code: ---echo "start-pulseaudio-x11" > ~/.X.d/pulseaudio
--- End code ---


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