Hi. I started to experiment with fresh installed piCore yesterday. My project ideas is concerning things that includes live improvisation. For that I need low audio latency. Seems like jackd is not in the repository when I try to search for it in tce-ab. Alsa exists but no jack.
So my questions is:
Do I need to point to another repository?
If I have to build it, have someone else build it before with success?
Am I missing some ridiculous information, like: "you don't need jack for piCore. We have special alsa that take cares of that"? Sound far out but I don't know. For instance Puredata is in the piCore repository, allot of Puredata projects demands low latency so I think it is odd.
I have no problems digging into the process of downloading a code tarball and do a build tryout but I want to rule out other possibilities, some do and don'ts or similar.