dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86_64

Screensaver disable



I need to disable the Screensaver/the power-saving-mode in the actual dCorePlus-Stretch64-Image

what I have already tested:

* "xset s off" throught my autostart-script
* "xset s 0 0
xset s off" throught my autostart-script
* "xset s 0 0
xset s off" in the new generated .xsession (there was no .xsession before)
but nothing worked. The PC starts up, runs about 10 minutes and then the screen is black.

Has anybody of you another idea for me?

Thans for your help

xset s off -dpms

Hi minnten

--- Quote from: minnten on November 01, 2018, 06:36:10 AM --- ... xset s off" in the new generated .xsession (there was no .xsession before) ...
--- End quote ---
If you are running X then place:

--- Code: ---xset s off -dpms
--- End code ---
at the end of your  ~/.xsession  file. If you are not running X, adding an  .xsession  file won't help you. Try the following
boot code instead:

--- Code: ---consoleblank=0
--- End code ---


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