Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks

Re install tcz

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Hi all,

gdrive app has stopped working due ca-certificates problem.

I was following this process, then realised I can't reboot the server at the moment

> tce-audit builddb
> tce-audit delete appname
> sudo reboot (.tcz .tcz.md5.txt .tcz.dep removed on reboot)

So I've done

> tce-audit builddb
> tce-audit delete ca-certificates

so far

I also removed ca-certificates line from the onboot.lst file

I then treid tce-load -i in my tce/optional folder to be told ca-certificates is already installed.

Is there a way to move forwards with re-installing this tcz without a reboot ?

Thanks :)

I'd say no.

When uninstalling extensions they get deleted on reboot before they could be loaded.
If uninstall successful you can reinstall after reboot no problem.
However, currently running processes might have loaded into memory part of what the depending extensions contain.

You might be able to go the 'dirty' way and kill processes that depend on files contained in the extension in question, unmount the dep extension, remount it with  tce-load -fc extension.tcz  ( -f  for force overwriting existing files [symlinks] and  -c  for copy to filesystem in RAM [or  copy2fs , eats RAM; overwrites symlinks with real files]) then restart your app so it can reload the updated files without rebooting the hole system.

Reboot of either the app or the hole system is needed.

Hi remus

--- Quote from: remus on October 23, 2018, 07:06:09 PM --- ... I then treid tce-load -i in my tce/optional folder to be told ca-certificates is already installed. ...
--- End quote ---
Go to  /usr/local/tce.installed/  and delete  ca-certificates.

Good point.
Forgot that one!
(part of the dirty way before  tce-load -cf ...)

Hi remus
There are several unofficial scripts on the forum:
tce-unload, tce-uninstall, tce-umount

If you'd like to use my script (tce-umount)
There are some setups you'll need to do before unmounting

--- Code: ---sudo mkdir -m 775 -p /var/log/tce-tool
sudo chgrp -R staff /var/log/tce-tool
printf '%s\n:1\t%s\n\n' ca-certificates ca-certificates > /var/log/tce-tool/cata.log
touch /var/log/tce-tool/tce.db
tce-umount ca-certificates

--- End code ---


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