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IP Camera's using up all our Upload broadband !
Do you know where the video/pictures are going?
--- Quote from: NewUser on September 24, 2018, 01:23:50 AM ---Do you know where the video/pictures are going?
--- End quote ---
At this stage, I'm unaware of WHAT and WHERE data is being transmitted.
I've yet to setup a system between the network and the modem to investigate that.
Is wireshark going to sort out the WHERE and WHAT ?
Hi remus
Wireshark can do what you need. If you set up the following in the capture field:
--- Code: ---host or or or or or
--- End code ---
This will only capture traffic to and from those cameras.
Hi All,
I can report the following.
Blocking the IP Camera's IP Range from outgoing transmission has stopped the massive data upload through our modem.
Restarting the NVR and re installing the settings in mobile phones got remote access to the NVR working again.
All in all we are pretty happy with the outcome.
My manager is curious as to what is actually being transmitted. I will install wireshark in a VM and see how I go before deploying a machine to tap the transmissions. Then I'll target a few of the camera's and modify the firewall to let that traffic through again (This may note be nesesary... perhaps the camera's are just going to stupidly transmit without RTS confirmation that packets are received on the other end...)
Experiments (Education )with wireshark continues.
In the mean time, my manager would like me to setup something to monitor web traffic on our network in future so when this happens again we won't be caught guessing.
So is there an existing TinyCore / MicroCore app that does the following ?
- Able to show web traffic history/trends for devices on our LAN by IP or MAC address.
- I guess it would be neat if the app supported a web gui we could access from the LAN
- It would also be neat if the app could send an email alert if web traffic exceeds a preset limit.
As always your thoughts and comments are welcome.
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