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Knoppix touchpad and no3d (compiz)
I use Knoppix mostly as a tool to help TC when I want to look into hardware issues and so forth.
But, the touchpad can be an issue for some, so here's a quickstart on how to get the touchpad working.
After boot, bring up a terminal. Normally I have to use the left-side key on the touchpad to launch the terminal initially.
At the prompt to enable tapping the touchpad. Unlike the other lines, don't forget to specify the first button AND make it true (1=1)
--- Code: ---synclient TapButton1=1
--- End code ---
To enable the vertical edge scroll (if your pad has it)
--- Code: ---synclient VertEdgeScroll=1
--- End code ---
If you have a horizontal bottom edge scroll left and right:
--- Code: ---synclient HorizEdgeScroll=1
--- End code ---
If you have persistence, you can save these so they work upon boot. Just add these commands to your
Tip: the "no3d" cheatcode does not work for some. To get it to work, edit your boot stanza, rather than manually passing the cheat at boot time.
In ver 8.2, it looks like the no3d cheatcode has an issue.
No matter, I just use the nocompiz cheatcode instead to accomplish much the same thing.
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