Thanks everyone for replying, but luckily i will be able to download using linux as you recommended.
Previously I could not because I use weird internet configuration that would require java, special desktop, and some other apps.
I already tried virtualbox, and linux does not work unlike your previous version, various os-es like android x86 and windows x64 require virtualization in my cpu, which i do not have.
So I found that all os-es work without problems in vmware player without virtualization.
I already tried repository in linux, and works flawlessly.
Vmware Player uses my already configured weird network including proxy from windows xp, it sees it as normal direct connection.
I will downloaded from there, and copy all files to real folder...either by editing one-file disk (avoid multiple-file disks) using ImDisk or similar.
I don't have enough free space to download all, but most important extensions.
Downloading dependencies manually is pain in the ass.
Of course I had to use older vmware player because xp is old, but works even with newest os-es like yours and android 5.1.