dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions



Jason W:
nvidia-340.46-jessie-trusty-3.16.6-tinycore is now available in the prebuilt repo.  Import and load it and also graphics-3.16.6-tinycore and xorg-all, and then in console mode issue the below commands:

sudo modprobe drm
sudo modprobe nvidia
sudo nvidia-xconfig

The last command will create a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, add it to your backup.  Also, you may need to load the kernel modules drm and nvidia manually after each boot, I add the below commands to my /opt/bootsync.sh:

modprobe drm
modprobe nvidia

This package is tested and works on dCore-jessie and dCore-trusty.

sorry, but I don't understand why you make such packages which no one asked you

Jason W:
I made them so I can use Nvidia with dCore-jessie and dCore-trusty, I use and test all the dCores that are available and I like a decent screen resolution.  And by uploading them, someone else out there who has Nvidia can use them too, some folks have stated a preference for the older dCore releases because of older hardware or similar reasons. 

Jason W:
This package has now been renamed to nvidia-340.46-3.16.6-tinycore as it works in all dCore x86 ports that use the 3.16.6-tinycore kernel including dCore-wheezy.


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