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Need help with finding Tiny Core script

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Hi all!

I'm looking for a way to find the TinyCore script for my operating system. I am not great at programming, so I need a source to get me started.

Thanks!  ;D


(P.S, please notify me if i'm not allowed to copy the script. im new to the website.)

Hi Coffeebean12
Are you looking for the startup script? That would be  /etc/init.d/tc-config.  That script also relies on functions supplied
by  /etc/init.d/tc-functions.

im looking for the main parts (i.e kernel, startup, boot, etc.)

Hi Coffeebean12
It's still not clear what you want. Bootable ISOs can be found here:
If you want the individual pieces they can be found here:
vmlinuz is the kernel, core.gz is base file system, and modules.gz are drivers.

sorry, forgive me if i still cant get my point across. but, what im looking for is the source code for the operating system (im assuming it will be in seperate parts)



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