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Linux Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts ( Frequently Used )
Keyboard Shortcuts (All Lower Case Only)Purpose---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ctrl+LClears the screentab (OR) tab tabTab key(s) autocompletes the name of command/file/directory etc. For eg. type tce and type tabUP ARROW KeyShows you the previous commands in the historyDOWN Arrow KeyShows you the next commands in the historyCtrl+RIt is for Reverse search of command history.Press CTRL+R and type some command which you last run.It will search and show you the last command you run. Pressing right or left arrow key will allow you to edit it. Run it by pressing the enter key.Ctrl+JIt ends the CTRL+r searchCtrl+GIt aborts the search by CTRL+r ( and restores original line)CTRL+pIt shows previous history,same like UP arrow keyCTRL+nIt shows forward history,same like DOWN arrow keyCtrl+AMove cursor to start of the lineCtrl+EMove cursor to end of the lineHOMEMove cursor at the start of the lineENDMove cursor at the end of the lineCTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove cursor one word right hand sideCTRL+LEFT ARROWMove cursor one word left hand sideCtrl+UIt cuts everything from the line start to cursorCtrl+KIt cuts everything from the cursor to end of the lineCtrl+WIt cuts the current word before the cursorCtrl+YIt pastes the previous cut textCTRL+kIt cuts the line from the position of the cursor to the end of the line.CTRL+SHIFT+cTo copy selected textCTRL+SHIFT+vTo paste the text you last copied by CTRL+SHIFT+cCTRL+INSERTCopy selected text to clipboardSHIFT+INSERTPaste from the clipboardShift+PgUp/PgDownIt Scrolls console buffer up/down. You can use this key, also in Runlevel 3 or terminal modeCTRL+Zstops (pauses) a jobCTRL+Cterminates a jobCtrl+DLog out of current session, like exit command
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