Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
Howto: start Weston on Wayland easier......and exit
For those who like to have a look at Weston here is a possible easier way to load and start it.
I have a file in .local/bin called wl which I made executable with contents
--- Quote ---#!/bin/sh
tce-load -i weston
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001 weston-launch
--- End quote ---
optional .....add xwayland after weston if you intent to play with things that wayland does not support natively
such as gtk2
so I exit to prompt and run
--- Code: ---wl
--- End code ---
standing for weston load and run
saves using the up arrow key to scroll thru my history of commands
PS I boot up with local user tc.
2) To exit, to the prompt I use keys
Ctrl (and) Alt (and) <- keys
<- means the backspace key
some sites show above as
C + A + backspace
Hello, could you rephrase the step-by-step on how to get to the desktop using wayland? I followed your tutorial but ended up getting generic errors.
I'm very curious to test wayland on tinycore but I don't know where to start.
well there are 2 desktops to try weson = regarded as a demo and sway which is a tiling desktop for wayland.
I declare that I am still a xwayland fan on both weston and sway. I know others are looking for a non-libX11/Xorg experience
each person has to choose
thats 2018 post and may needed updating.
step 1 please download and install weston.ini
If you succeed with later steps -- you get a better tray and stuff.
step 2 edit your current ~.local/bin/wl so it reads
--- Quote ---#!/bin/sh
tce-load -i weston xwayland
# set env
read USER < /etc/sysconfig/tcuser
if [ ! -d /run/user/$(id -u "$USER") ]; then
mkdir -p /run/user/$(id -u "$USER")
chown "$USER":staff /run/user/$(id -u "$USER")
chmod 700 /run/user/$(id -u "$USER")
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)
--- End quote ---
step 3 exit to prompt and run wl
optional....then edit the ini file to create more launchers or just run terminal commands
mine changed as I need a context menu as I have a kensington mouse that does not like copy and paste
so my changed to
--- Quote ---[core]
--- End quote ---
after you played with weston....then try out the big boy = sway ;)
Hi I forgot to mention that AFAIK you can not update weston with a newer ini file
so if you choose to edit this file to test it...exit to prompt and then relaunch weston
That is opposite to sway, where you must edit within sway your config file and reload it in sway to test there are no gremlins.
--- Quote from: aus9 on August 07, 2023, 02:07:13 AM ---Hi I forgot to mention that AFAIK you can not update weston with a newer ini file
so if you choose to edit this file to test it...exit to prompt and then relaunch weston
That is opposite to sway, where you must edit within sway your config file and reload it in sway to test there are no gremlins.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, but I'm still unable to reproduce. The screen goes dark with nothing.
The log doesn't help either.
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