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Enhancing Readability of Webpages

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Please ignore the previous message. Now, I have attached the correct and new css file.


Nathan SR

I don't mean the iframe, though it too should have no horizontal scrollbar unless your window is small. Open subnews.html on its own, you'll see it's still wider than the window.


Thanks Curaga for the clue. It resolved the problem now. Excessive padding was the issue. I am enclosing the now.


Nathan SR


Hi Curaga,

Please ignore my previous post. I have got some very good results now. The alignments are even more perfected now, for both modern browsers as well as the fifth browser, thanks to html's great flexibility.

Please extract the enclosed zip file and copy its contents to the earlier enhanced pages folder and check the index.html and the other pages. You will be surprised with the readability now.

One thing, I request you to open intro.html file in a better text editor, then search for RepoBrowser, copy the entire line and paste it under "About Us" line in both index.html and welcome.html. This will make the alignments of these pages even more perfected and will give a better view for visitors landing on these pages directly.

I am eager to get your feedback on this version.


Nathan SR


Hi Curaga,

The file above, fixes those two issues that you had reported, viz. horizontal scrollbar being present in subnews.html and also in the index.html's newsbar. It also obtains a desirable left padding on the #content area for proper alignment. What's your feedback on this version ?


Nathan SR


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