Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
Is it possible, install DotNETCore on tinyCpre Linux ?
Yes, can be done, see attachement.
To be continued (and documented)...
Submitted today .NET Core 2.2.0 SDK v2.2.100 (tinycore64)
- dotnet-runtime.tcz.tgz (67MB)
- dotnet-sdk.tcz.tgz (176MB)
Hope they will pass QA ;)
Title: dotnet-sdk.tcz
Description: .NET Core 2.2.0 SDK v2.2.100
Version: 2.2.0
Author: Alphons van der Heijden
Original-site: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download
Copying-policy: MIT
Size: 176M
Extension_by: alphons
Tags: .NET Core SDK
Comments: .NET Core is a cross-platform version of .NET
for building websites, services, and console apps.
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: tinycore
OS Version: 9.0
OS Platform: Linux
RID: linux-x64
Version: 2.2.0
Commit: 1249f08fed
.NET Core SDK:
Version: 2.2.100
Commit: b9f2fa0ca8
.NET Core runtimes installed:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.All 2.2.0
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.2.0
Microsoft.NETCore.App 2.2.0
Change-log: 2018/04/12 Initial release version, 2.2.0
Current: 2018/04/12 Current version, 2.2.0
CorePure64 / .NET Core primer (example running as a VM)
Short procedure to make a TinyCore vm in VMPlayer adding .NET Core functionality.
I used joe as my favo texteditor, but vi is fine.
--- Code: ---- Download CorePure64 iso from www.tinycorelinux.net
- Download VMWare player (latest) from www.vmware.com
- Install VMWare player
- Start VMWare player
- Create New Virtual Machine
- radio: Install dics image file (iso): pointing to CorePure64-9.0.iso
- Next
- radio: Linux
- Version: Other Linux 4.x or later kernel 64-bit
- Next
- Virtual Machine name: Core64
- Next
- Maximum dusk size (GB): 8 GB
- radio: Store virtual disk as a single file
- Next
- Finish
- Choose newly made VM: Core
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Select Had Disk (SCSI)
- Remove (the just made disk, we want IDE, not SCSI)
- Add
- Select Hard Disk
- Next
- radio: IDE
- Next
- radio: Create new virtual disk
- Next
- Maximum disk size (GB): 8.0GB
- check: Allocate all disk space now
- radio: store virtual disk as a single file
- next
- Core-0.vmdk
- Finish (takes some time)
- OK
- Select Sound Card
- Remove
- Select printer
- Remove
- OK
- Select Network Adapter
- Radio: Bridged
- OK
- Play Virtual Machine
- on prompt boot: <enter>
(Core has autologin for user tc, where tc is a sudoer)
tc@box:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda
type: n <enter> p <enter> 1 <enter> <enter> <enter> w <enter>
tc@box:~$ sudo mke2fs /dev/sda1
tc@box:~$ sudo reboot
- on prompt boot: corepure64 tce=sda1 <enter>
tc@box:~$ tce-load -wi joe
tc@box:~$ tce-load -wi openssh
tc@box:~$ cd /usr/local/etc/ssh
tc@box:/usr/local/etc/ssh$ sudo cp ssh_config.orig ssh_config
tc@box:/usr/local/etc/ssh$ sudo cp sshd_config.orig sshd_config
tc@box:/usr/local/etc/ssh$ sudo ssh-keygen -A
tc@box:~$ cd /opt
tc@box:/opt$ sudo joe bootlocal.sh
/usr/local/etc/init.d/openssh start
tc@box:/opt$ joe .filetool.lst
tc@box:~$ sudo passwd tc
New password:
Retype password:
passwd: password for tc changed by root
tc@box:~$ sudo passwd root
New password:
Retype password:
passwd: password for root changed by root
tc@box:~$ ifconfig
etho ..... inet addr: 192.168.....
tc@box:/opt$ filetool.sh -b
tc@box:/opt$ sudo reboot
- on prompt boot: <enter>
DONE!! Ready to ssh
- for searching and installing applications use: tce-ab
tc@box:~$ tce-load -wi dotnet-sdk
tc@box:~$ sudo adduser dotnetuser -G staff -h /mnt/sda1/dotnetuser
Changing password for dotnetuser
New password:
Retype password:
passwd: password for dotnetuser changed by root
tc@box:~$ sudo joe /etc/sudoers
dotnetuser ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
tc@box:~$ filetool.sh -b
tc@box:~$ exit
Core Linux
box login: dotnetuser
Password: ....
dotnetuser@box:~$ pwd
dotnetuser@box:~$ mkdir hello
dotnetuser@box:~$ cd hello
dotnetuser@box:~/hello$ dotnet new console
- first time takes some time, downloading .NETCore packages
dotnetuser@box:~/hello$ dotnet run
Hello World!
--- End code ---
Your first .NET Core program had been run on CorePure64
(Dockers, eat your heart out!)
[EDIT]: Replaced tt tags with code tags. Rich
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