General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
Remastering MC 9 with bootcodes
Hi remus
If all you want to do is modify the boot codes in the ISO, you could always cheat:,9857.msg53876.html#msg53876
There are many ways in remastering, which generally involves in
Unpacking initrd
--- Code: ---tc@box:~$ sudo mkdir /tmp/extract
tc@box:~$ cd /tmp/extract
tc@box:/tmp/extract$ zcat /path/to/core.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d
--- End code ---
Adding files (make sure the permissions are OK)
--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp/extract$ sudo unsquashfs -d . -f /etc/sysconfig/tcedir/optional/mylocale.tcz
tc@box:/tmp/extract$ ls -l usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3702256 Jul 19 2017 usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
--- End code ---
Repacking initrd
--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp/extract$ sudo su
root@box:/tmp/extract# find | cpio -o -H newc | gzip -9 > /tmp/my_own_core.gz
root@box:/tmp/extract# exit
tc@box:/tmp/extract$ cd /tmp
tc@box:/tmp$ ls -l /tmp/my_own_core.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10678758 May 4 22:46 /tmp/my_own_core.gz
--- End code ---
Modifying the ISO files
--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ mkdir /mnt/CD /tmp/cdroot
tc@box:/tmp$ sudo mount /path/to/TC.iso /mnt/CD
tc@box:/tmp$ cp -r /mnt/CD/boot /tmp/cdroot
tc@box:/tmp$ chmod +w /tmp/cdroot/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
tc@box:/tmp$ vi /tmp/cdroot/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
append loglevel=3 lang="zh_TW.utf8"
tc@box:/tmp$ sudo cp -f /tmp/my_own_core.gz /tmp/cdroot/boot/corepure64.gz
--- End code ---
Creating ISO file
--- Code: ---sudo mkisofs -l -J -R -no-emul-boot \
-V TC-custom \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c boot/isolinux/ -quiet -r \
-o output.iso /tmp/cdroot/
--- End code ---
Verifying the ISO
--- Code: ---qemu-system-x86_64 -m 512 -cdrom /tmp/output.iso
--- End code ---
Thanks polikuo
Your examples have worked perfectly.
I'll document 'here' exactly what I did to remaster a stock Core-9.0.iso file and integrate a few boots codes.
Setup basic VirtualBox virtual Machine (setting network to 'bridged', setting storage/optical drive to 'Core-9.0.iso')
Boot up vm
copy Core-9.0.iso to usb flash drive
attach usb flash drive to my vm
mount the usb flash drive in vm using $ mount /mnt/sdb1
installed mkisofs-tools
$ tce-load -wi mkisofs-tools
Executed the following commands as per your example
--- Code: ---tc@box:/tmp$ mkdir /mnt/CD /tmp/cdroot
tc@box:/tmp$ sudo mount /mnt/sdb1/Core-9.0.iso /mnt/CD
tc@box:/tmp$ cp -r /mnt/CD/boot /tmp/cdroot
tc@box:/tmp$ chmod +w /tmp/cdroot/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
tc@box:/tmp$ vi /tmp/cdroot/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
append loglevel=3 syslog waitusb=5 nodhcp noautologin showapps noutc tz=EST-10 cron
# I also altered the timeout option to make bootup quicker
timeout 30
--- End code ---
Save and exit vi
I ran your example to repackage the iso exactly and it works just fine.
--- Code: ---sudo mkisofs -l -J -R -no-emul-boot \
-V TC-custom \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c boot/isolinux/ -quiet -r \
-o output.iso /tmp/cdroot/
--- End code ---
copied output.iso to usb flash drive
$ cp output.iso /mnt/sdb1
$ sudo umount /mnt/sdb1
ejected the usb flash drive from the vm using virtualbox interface
Windows kindly detected and auto mounted the drive to its fs
copied output.iso to local fs
selected output.iso as a virtual cd for boot up in VirtualBox vm storage settings
booted vm and all boot codes are now integrated to the iso.
Thanks :)
[EDIT[: Fixed typo. Changed not to now. Rich
line from my previous post reads
--- Quote ---booted vm and all boot codes are not integrated to the iso.
--- End quote ---
It should of said
booted vm and all boot codes are now integrated to the iso.
--- Quote from: remus on May 08, 2018, 12:31:34 AM ---copy Core-9.0.iso to usb flash drive
copied output.iso to local fs
--- End quote ---
To copy files between VMs to the host, I sometimes create an image in VHD format and treat it like a "SHARE disk".
1. create a VHD image with virtualbox
2. format the disk in the VM (I usually go for ext4 or fat32)
3. copy files and close the VM
4. mount the VHD image via windows disk management tool
5. assign letter to the partition
6. move the files elsewhere
I use "Ext2Fsd" to assign the volume letter if the partition contains ext4 file system.
--- Quote from: remus on May 08, 2018, 02:26:16 AM ---booted vm and all boot codes are now integrated to the iso.
--- End quote ---
Good, for a moment I thought it didn't work. :)
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