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Author Topic: Artificial Uncommon Sense  (Read 3581 times)

Offline softwaregurl

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Artificial Uncommon Sense
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:37:27 PM »
Those who understand just do and those who just do not get it...well, they just don't get it.  This is the real reason for me being involved in tc.  I break from silence of hatred to say this but little more here unless i recieve more encoragement then discouragement.
Artificial Uncommon Sense'Information No results found for "artificial uncommon sense".' According to a Google search today, 11 December 2008 at appx. 6:00 am Pacific Standard Time. I now put forth this series of words with explanation and their relevance to the projects at hand. The Evidence: 1 ) A very old saying "Why is common sense so uncommon?" 2 ) Artificial intelligence aims to duplicate the workings of the brain, especially human. 3 ) The workings of the human brain are inherently subject to error for a great number of reasons. 4 ) Computers live in a very perfect, very black an white world. a ) At it's most basic form a computer knows nothing other then the binary numbers 0 and 1 which are represented by a high voltage or a low voltage. b ) The logic of a computer is boolean which produces a absolute, concrete result of true or false. c ) A computer is only capable of doing exactly what it is told to do, no more, no less. If a computer is to behave imperfectly or randomly it needs to be "told" how to do that (eg: Pseudo random number generators). d ) The errors that a computer may experience fall into two categories. Hardware failures (which need to be repaired) and software errors and failures (which need to be corrected). 5)insisting that the perfection of a computer duplicate the imperfection of the human brain would require computers to function outside of it's nature. The evidence based conclusion: The application of artificial intelligence is impractical because it attempts to impose an imperfect logic on a perfect machine. I propose working within this "perfect" world of a computer instead of trying to artificially impose something that is outside of it's nature. Teach computers to learn in a way that exploits their inherent perfection but never, ever remove the power of humans over the computer because situations do arise that defy all logic and require an abstract approach. Instead, incorporate psychology into the user interface to influence the end user to allow this artificial uncommon sense to occur unless circumstances dictate otherwise. The application: Within the development of green technology, humans are susceptible to flawed logic to include the influences of their peers, past experiences, and both industriousness or laziness (or any ground in between) as will as financial and political practicality. Therefore, the human and computer that will interact with each other to improve efficiency by learning from each other. The computer will use proven psychological techniques to influence the individual to behave in a positive way that they otherwise would not have while allowing the human to overpower the computer when situations defy pure logic and require an emotional or irrational responses or to override hardware or software failures until that failure is (as it must) be corrected even and especially when this temporarily inefficiency results in the physical, psychological and/or technological comfort of the human. This requires the implementation of fall backs to time proven "legacy" technologies that the masses have accepted and are comfortable with and accepting there inherent inefficiencies when more efficient technologies fail. The mission: We will implement technology in a way that makes the masses comfortable and inspires them to take positive steps while refrain from force ably imposing that which would produce reluctance to progress or even retaliation and negative progress. We will not require the use of new or recycled products but instead encourage the use of otherwise obsolete products in there current form (reuse). We will implement this using existing, past and future laws (eg: patent, copyright, copyleft, etc...) in a way that encourages, instead of discourages, progress and relieves us, as innovators, from liability. We will refrain from allowing social-economic, political, interpersonal or other influences from slowing our progress. We will strive towards the betterment of, in this order, ourselves, our community, our state/country, the human race, our planet earth, the know, theoretical and unknown universe with all that that involves while considering the interplays of all the above and more. We will take advantage of the inherent perfect logic of computers to influence our actions in situations where our human nature would cause us to behave in ways that are not in our best interest while never allowing computers to have ultimate control over our lives or become a requirement for basic survival. We will teach computers to behave with a degree of 'common sense' that humans are incapable of, "artificial uncommon sense".
You most likely are not ready for such a concept. you will ignore its intent to discredit it for its typographical, etc.., imperfections. this may continue further, or it may come to a close with nothing further. it is up to you.
Old wounds that have never healed need to be re-exposed before the cure can be applied.  The cure must be available before the wound is re-exposed.