Looks like something went wrong with /usr/local/tce.icons
i: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/htop.png
t: htop
c: exec aterm +tr +sb -T "htop" -e cliorx htop
It should be
i: /usr/local/share/pixmaps/htop.png
t: htop
c: exec cliorx htop
It comes from one of the wbar scripts. (/usr/local/bin/wbar_update.sh)
} else if ( $1 == "Terminal" ) {
terminal = $2
if ( terminal == "true" ) {
print "c: exec aterm +tr +sb -T \""name"\" -e " exec > output
} else {
print "c: exec " exec > output
In /usr/local/share/applications/htop.desktop
Exec=cliorx htop
The easy fix would be switching "Terminal=true" to "Terminal=false" in htop.desktop
However, I believe wbar_update.sh is the one that we should be dealing with.
I'm not exactly sure how to modify it though, perhaps more if/else to check for "cliorx".

Some what off topic:

Sometimes I choose an unicode supported xterm rather than aterm.
Better replace "aterm" with "xterm" in "wbar_update.sh".