General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
TC on Intel NUC
--- Quote from: coreplayer2 on March 31, 2018, 05:00:13 AM ---It's impossible to write random data to Flash memory.
--- End quote ---
Nobody questioned this?? Well it was April 1st ;)
Thing is writing random data to flash memory is pointless. Best methods to wipe flash drives are:
Write 1’s to drive
Send a controller based “secure erase” command
Send a trim command
Depending on the drive some or all of those options may not be available
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nah, it was 31 March 2018, 11:00:13 ! :p
LOL. I blame Trump or SIRI, but that’s my story and I’m sticky to that
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Aha - so here's my real problem: Tinycore doesn't seem to detect SD card in the nuc at all..
1) Picked up a true SDXC card. Reformatted from exFat to VFAT with gparted just to be cool with linux . Ok.
2) Knoppix will recognize any SD card, whether HC or XC as an mmcblk0 device in this box.
3) Tinycore WILL recognize it as an sdx device, but only if put through a card-reader. Directly from the slot in the NUC box - it's a ghost.
So my problem is do I need firmware?, or is TC not recognizing SD cards. Is it a mmcblk device thing? Tried using TinyCorePlus, but sadly, it is not recognized and not mountable in any fashion I tried...
Greg Erskine:
Just to muddy the waters further....
I use an Intel NUC with Windows 10 for cutting my piCorePlayer images, which I do a lot.
When I first got my NUC, SD cards in the slot were not recognized so I ended up using a USB adapter. All fine, worked well, then a month or two ago, no matter what I did, the SD cards via USB adaptor(s) were no longer recognized by Window 10, so in desperation I tried the slot and it now worked!!
I never worked out a reason why this happened as I had a working alternative. ;)
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